"Nawatakieni neema na amani kutoka kwa Mungu Baba yetu na Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo."
I Corinthians 1:3
Although I left Africa much of my heart is still there. Every night I still read from a Kiswahili Bible that I picked up before I left Kenya. Sometimes I worry that I will forget what I saw back in Africa and that the busy lifestyle that I live here will make me lose sight of what really matters. Lately God has really been blessing me with opportunities. Whether they are with new friends, with photography, with new jobs, or whatever comes my way... He keeps blessing me. I pray that wherever my life will go, I will always be able to see through "success".. "MY future"..."what makes sence to me"..."reliance on money"...and faith without works. Instead I pray that I will always make the most of the time and resources that God has blessed me with and work at my jobs whether I am rich or poor as working for Him and not myself or others. Sometimes when success comes our way we seem to get so focused on it that we lose perspective of the BIG picture. We lose where we came from...and who we really are. For instance... In my life God has been growing my photography business immensly over the past few weeks and it is very exciting. But, am I losing focus on Him when I feel like I am a success? I pray that God puts me in bankruptcy before that happens. I never want any amount of succes to take my eyes off the one who gave it to me in the first place.
I am still wanting to go back to Africa and have been thinking about how I could do that. Here is how I will do that. First I am going to apply for a job at my church to work with the Sr High youth group. I enjoy high school guys and feel that I could be spending my time to influence them in a positive way rather than calling people around the country to ask people about their opinionz...gallup. If I get that job I will quit working at gallup and work at the church and start putting even more time into photography. I will finish school in the next two years and by then am hoping to be well along with a studio and booked with weddings. Maybe I will spend a year here after I graduate to raise a little more money...and then I will go to Africa and build a house/orphanage/church and live there for a few years until it is well established. Then I will come back to the states and get more people to come to Africa with me cuz my orphanage will be too full to run by myself. haha sounds like a plan. If anyone wants to join me let me know.. I think it will be a good time. ;) aight well I gotta go to bed