I am sitting in the crib at the Union waiting for my last class of the day to start so I can start my Spring break! My last class is music appreciation... yea I know I am a musician, but who doesn't take an easy A when it is in front of you. Tonite I will be attending an artist/photography workshop at my church (Berean). I am hoping to get more involved in the area of arts at my church. Maybe it will be an opportunity to use the gifts that God has given me in photography and use them for the church as well as in business. Speaking of photography... I have been messing with a few new lighting techniques after recently purchasing a few umbrellas and lighting equipment. It is amazing to see how the right lighting can really take a picture to a new level (especially off camera lighting). This summer I will be shooting around 10 weddings. God has really been blessing me lately. It almost makes me laugh to think that a gift that God has blessed me with is something that people will pay to see. Thanks God. I am excited to see where photography takes me. I have been doing a lot of research in European photography and the trends that they seem to be setting. I am hoping to bring some of these ideas into my style of photography so that I can keep up with the newest trends that the big name photographers are showing. Well it's time for class...
Im home now and took some pics to show what I am currently working on. As I was talking about early, I am working on lighting and today was lighting glass.

1/60 F2.8 ISO 200
This was the first picture I took with an umbrella on each side. The picture turned out well, but I was sure I could get a more creative picture using the lighting differently so I took a few more pictures.

1/100 F2.8 ISO 200
Taken with flash on board. Good, but details are only par.

1/250 f5.7 ISO 200
I took this picture with one external flash and one umbrella. This goes to prove that lighting can really make a big difference in pictures. Also...there was no photoshop or editing tools used on this picture. The details of the glass are sharp and well defined.