Let me first say something about myself if you don't already know.
I am TERRIFIED of spiders.
Yesterday I went over to a friends house and he just got a tarantula. So... I went back today and brought my camera. Funny thing is that I wasn't near as scared of this hairy beast as I would have been by a wolf spider, but I was still in a state of shock. There's another thing you need to know about me. I love to do things that scare the crap outta me so I decided to take this photo shoot to another level. I had the tarantula put on my face. Still not sure how I looked so natural in that picture. Oh and I did not photoshop the tarantula in (you can see the shadows off it's legs...and no i wouldn't put that much time into making a fake picture to go so far as to put shadows in)
I am TERRIFIED of spiders.
Yesterday I went over to a friends house and he just got a tarantula. So... I went back today and brought my camera. Funny thing is that I wasn't near as scared of this hairy beast as I would have been by a wolf spider, but I was still in a state of shock. There's another thing you need to know about me. I love to do things that scare the crap outta me so I decided to take this photo shoot to another level. I had the tarantula put on my face. Still not sure how I looked so natural in that picture. Oh and I did not photoshop the tarantula in (you can see the shadows off it's legs...and no i wouldn't put that much time into making a fake picture to go so far as to put shadows in)

That awesome i like that you like to scare yourself
is it weird that this is one of my favorite pictures of you?
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