Friday, January 9, 2009

Something a little different

I was messing around with some lighting techniques with my room mates while watching some basketball on TV this evening. After getting some pictures I decided to put them together. It was a horribly hard way of putting a face together with all the shadows, but the "final" outcome came out pretty funny


八尾貓狐 小寧 said...

Yeah, life is short, do someting, I'm still trying to do something useful in the early stage of my life, Trying...

Josh Nix said...

very good photoshopping

Bobbi said...

eew....what do you get when you cross 3 attractive boys?

a MONSTER that apparently had a stroke!

jason harms said...

Thanks Josh..

Bobbi..hahaha it does look like something off of Pixar Monsters Inc

b.sue said...
