Today I got pretty caught up with my finances and worrying about my future... I am not sure why I let it get the best of me today, but it did. I hope worrying about your future hasn't gotten the best of you today. I think as we get older things like money, our outward appearance (cars, our house, our job), and who our friends are gets more and more important. I hate to admit it, but I can feel the pressures in my life every day. I can choose to listen to them and never feel content...or live life each day in the steps God has set before me in pure excitement to see where He leads me and what He chooses to bless me with. As I was thinking about all this the song "It Is Well" came into my head. The line "Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well with my soul...", put all the anxieties of finances and my future behind me! God is good. He will provide and is...we just have to see it and stop thinking so much ;)