Today I got pretty caught up with my finances and worrying about my future... I am not sure why I let it get the best of me today, but it did. I hope worrying about your future hasn't gotten the best of you today. I think as we get older things like money, our outward appearance (cars, our house, our job), and who our friends are gets more and more important. I hate to admit it, but I can feel the pressures in my life every day. I can choose to listen to them and never feel content...or live life each day in the steps God has set before me in pure excitement to see where He leads me and what He chooses to bless me with. As I was thinking about all this the song "It Is Well" came into my head. The line "Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well with my soul...", put all the anxieties of finances and my future behind me! God is good. He will provide and is...we just have to see it and stop thinking so much ;)
Thank you so much for that Jason! I really appreciate it! I'm kinda in the same boat, Next year is gonna be crazy, Brett (my husband) will be going to school and working full time, i'll be going to school and working part time and we don't know if we'll have to put our daughter Adelle in a daycare that costs $700 a month or if our current babysitter will be able to do it, so much to worry about. It's nice to know that whatever is thrown at us God has everything figured out and we'll get through it!
Beautiful. This is my fav hymn of all times. If you haven't heard the story behind it-I'll have to tell you sometime. This is what I sing to Roman before his naps. =)
Jason . . .this is my all-time favorite hymn. Though our first payroll was thousands more than I expected, I've had this peace all week . . .knowing that God has always provided for me and the kids and that He will do so again, whether it be through detasseling or some other way. And then . . .today! Shocking! 413 acres are to be handed over to us next week. My mom said to me today, "Dawn, you need to take care of yourself . . ." (Moms love to say things like that). And then I said, "You know, God pretty much does that for me already!"
thanks for all you do . . .I'm hoping this season will bless you financially as well . . ..
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