Friday, August 1, 2008


I consider myself fortunate today. I got home from detasseling and my computer apparently lit itself on fire through the electrical connection in the back. The area around the connection is all charred and there is a burn mark from a flame that melted the back of the screen. Pretty sure it won't work anymore... sweet. Buuut, through the suck I do thank God that it didn't burn down the house! It was a miracle that it was sitting on the coffee table that had a glass base to it so nothing caught on fire. I'm not sure what the status of my hard drive will be, but hopefully I haven't lost too many pictures! I do save them to an external hard drive every month, but the month of July might be history. I will be looking for a new computer within the next few days so there won't be any new pictures on my blog for a while. sorry...

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