This is just a taste of the yearly Harms Fourth of July. Every year it seems to get a little better and I'de definately say that this year was the best yet. Horse shoes, croquet, volleyball, bottle rocket/roman candle wars, music pumpin, watermelon goodness, grillin, and late nite bombs that no one will forget. You'll want to be here next year. 
roman candle/ rocket war

gotta have sparklaazz

and the party begins

sweetest picture of the nite. check out the bomb that is just going off
(the bright flash on the left side of the picture)

sometimes you can't help but dance
I truly appreciate it.
Well done for this wonderful blog.
So that those who will accidentally visit your site will not waste there time with this stupid topics.
Gomen kudasai.
never have a feared for my life as i did this night. and i loved it..
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